The Association of the Parents of Children with Special Needs

The Association of Parents of Children with Spcial Needs Suceava is a nonprofit charity organization, which has as goal the action of supporting the rights of children with severe disabilities to a decent social life by integrating them within the community, creating responsibility factors regarding the special needs of this social category, as well as improving their lives. Also, another important feature of the Association’s activity is the moral support given to the parents of such children, supporting them in the procedures with the authorities, etc.

The Association of Parents of Children with Spcial Needs was founded in 2005. ROCAST NORD was one of the first companies which supported the Association from the very beginning.

In 2005 the funds offered by ROCAST NORD were directed towards the adquisition of general materials necessary for unfolding the Association’s activity. 

In 2006 our funds were directed towards supporting the summer camp from Eforie Sud.

In 2007 we mainly sponsored the action organized for Saint Nicholas’ Day.

In 2008 we offered the largest contribution until that time, sponsoring the organization of Balul Mărțișorului (Romanian celebration of spring’s arrival on the 1st of March), a fundraising charity ball where various personalities in Suceava were present, and which took place at the restaurant Gloria, in the centre of the town, in March. In the same year we supported and  organized organized a summer camp for these children, also taking place in Eforie Sud.

In 2009 we sponsored the event for Santa Claus.

In 2010 we contributed to raise the general funds which will be necessary for fulfilling the dream of each parent, member of the Association, of building a permament centre for adults, a future project of the Association.

Bellow you can read a few words about this project, written by the President of the Association, Mrs. Eugenia Hodoroaba:

“Until the present moment there does not exist a centre for adults with severe disabilities in County Suceava, and the adults who cannot be looked after at home any longer, either because they do not have a family or due to health issues or the old age of the parents whom cannot look after them any longer, are taken to Neuropsychological Hospitals, which is another trauma for them, their place being within society and not in an establishment of this type.

We strongly wish that this centre is created for the sake of our children soon to be adults, so that they could live together, socialize and do things together, to work as much as possible together and enjoy life as much as they can and as they can. Therefore, all our future actions will hold into view both the immediate needs and this long-term objective.

We thank ROCAST NORD for supporting us from the very beginning, because you got involved and belived in the work we unfold. You will always have our respect and gratitude. Eugenia Hodoroaba.”

The Association does not have until this moment (2011) a website in order to help it promote its actions and obtain the support on a greater scale, therefore Bogdan Pastrav, the founder of ROCAST NORD together with the company OPTIMACAD from Botoșani, benefitting from the generosity of its founder Cosmin Cuciureanu will contribute in 2011 to designing and building a modern website to represent the Association online, an environment which can promote these causes more easily.

OPTIMACAD is the Branding company together with which we developed the new logo and the necessary materials for this year’s rebranding and also, the designers of our  websites and

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